The new marina is part of a vast urban project located on the spaces freed by the former shipyards of La Seyne-sur-Mer. Some parts of the coastal requalification project are being carried out, others are underway.
These projects show individuality and togetherness demonstrating strong and coherent ambitions to which the new marina must also resonate. A long dynamic structure that aims to gradually renew the urban fabric of the coast.
This new development is in an urban context under construction. Thus, in the long term, the new urban park, boulevard Toussaint-Merle, the exhibition site… and the new marina will participate in the life of La Seyne-sur-Mer and beyond.
The objective of the new marina is to reveal all the potential of this site already built marked by a century and a half of memories to ensure, in the long term, its attractiveness. The disappearance of the shipyard erases part of the silhouette of La Seyne-sur-Mer and the harbour of Toulon. A visual landmark, which has long been used to orient itself from the sea and define its situation on earth, is replaced by a large void this representation is lost. Hence, it is now time to reconstruct a new silhouette.
The new marina opens onto the nautical area and is organized by clusters of activities: the area of professionals that group together specific activities related to the sea; The leisure and service division;
The trade division, whose aim is to extend the commercial dynamics within the port’s facilities and thereby adding to the functional mix in this port and finally the animation centre, grouped around the yacht club. The latter area is associated with a different dynamic relating around culture, knowledge and memory. It is the ensemble of functions and activities that make the sea an event itself