Abelia is composed of 3 wooden apartment buildings built in CLT (Cross Laminated Timber). Sustainability is at the core of Abelia’s philosophy. It was applied to every step of the project: design, construction and life in the building.
The use of wood creates unity within the environment. Indeed, the project site is located in the continuity of the Coudrais park. The zinc roofs are coloured in natural shades and folded in a way that resembles the art of origami.
This aesthetic is also present on the North and South facade of each building.
Abelia holds a BBCA Label level Excellent.
VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage
Engineering firms
Sylva Conseil (Structure)
AMOES (Fluids/Environmental)
Endroits en Vert (VRD)
AIDA (Acoustics)
Roc Sol (Géotechnics)
Entreprise de construction
Bouygues Construction
NF Habitat HQE
BBCA Niveau Excellent
Prix Bâtiment Bas Carbone
Partner/Leading architect
Blin Trincal
Mehdi Jaoua
Lead architect
Amy Wallace
Operation architect
Calq – Constance Parra
Natacha Soumagnac
Marie-Hélène Paoli
Simon Guillemoz
Pauline Guuinic
Marta Ortigosa
Paula Gordo-Gregorio
Landscape team
Arnaud Mermet-Gerlat
Caridad Fung
Alexandre Martinet
Computer-generated images
Benjamin Alcover
Giovanni Barbagallo
Amélie Bellaud