Artchipel, Asnières-sur-Seine

Housing buildings that blend seamlessly into the city’s environment

Artchipel is inspired by our ways of living, consuming and moving. Giving form to this evolution of practices and this diversity is a prerequisite to any standardization of context, of materiality.  What completes this framework is the integration into a specific geographical and historical context, the combination, as well as the use of innovative technologies for sustainable development, of mixing architecture and landscape.

In the Greater Paris area, close to the Les Agnettes metro station, Artchipel is a major urban development opportunity for the town of Asnières-sur-Seine. Individual houses east and west, small collective buildings south and, from the boulevard to the north side of the site, and a linear vegetal structure, turn the ensemble into an archipel composed of architectural islands.

A total of 17 buildings are arranged into a sequence and are intertwined with public and semi-public spaces, a water garden, a playground and a shared greenhouse. These buildings find their place in their environment by the means of terraces extending them vertically on one side of the site while respecting the scale of the individual houses on the other side.

The objective is to create unity between the several buildings that compose the project through urban planning and landscape design. Building a cohesiveness between the site and the city to facilitate one blending in with the other.

VIGUIER architecture urbanisme paysage

Engineering firms
Cetis (Structure)
Amodev Fluids, thermal and acoustics)
CSD (Fire safety, Disabled access standards)
Geolia (geotechnics)
Veritas (Control authority)
Vizea (Environmental authority)


Leading architect
Mehdi Jaoua

Project team
Julien ReylFiona Graham-Fonseca
Sy Nghia Dau
Pascal Bardi
Jad Bechara
Ghita Rhmari Tlemcani
Karolina Pletty
Antoine Ferrien
Enzo Bildstein Arioli
Olivia Jazz Davis

Landscape design
Benjamin Doré
Lionel Sikora
Antigoni Frantzela

Interior design
Justine Duhautois
Sophie De Prinsac

Computer-generated images
IDA Plus
Benjamin Alcover
Khanh Chi Tran
Karim Bouhidel